Super User

Super User

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Annuaire Statistique 2019-2020

Le défilé des établissements scolaires, un moment fort de la cérémonie !


Article 8 : Le service de l'audit et du contrôle interne effectue, auprès de tout établissement ou service du Ministère, toutes les études et missions de contrôle de la qualité de la gestion des ressources humaines, financières et des équipements. A ce titre, il est chargé de : - contrôler l'organisation et le fonctionnement administratifs ; - suivre l'utilisation et la gestion des équipements et des infrastructures ; - veiller à la bonne application des règles budgétaires ; - suivre l'application des décisions ministérielles ; - améliorer les règles et procédures de gestion. Article 9 : Le service de l'audit et du contrôle interne est composé de deux bureaux : le bureau de l'audit et le bureau du contrôle interne.

Copy of TEST2

Are you interested in making web pages? Look no further! In this course, you will learn how to use HTML5 and CSS3, the two types of code upon which all websites are based. You don't need to have any programming skills yet in order to take this course! HTML and CSS are great entry points to the world of code and are necessary languages for any developer or web designer to know. Create your page's content with HTML, and make it look great with CSS. You'll learn all about these two languages and how they work together to render all your favorite websites. Ready to start learning to build web pages? Sign up now!

Copy of TEST3

Are you interested in making web pages? Look no further! In this course, you will learn how to use HTML5 and CSS3, the two types of code upon which all websites are based. You don't need to have any programming skills yet in order to take this course! HTML and CSS are great entry points to the world of code and are necessary languages for any developer or web designer to know. Create your page's content with HTML, and make it look great with CSS. You'll learn all about these two languages and how they work together to render all your favorite websites. Ready to start learning to build web pages? Sign up now!




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